Sunday, May 22, 2011


John 19 is the chapter that outlines the decision to crucify Christ.  Pilate resisted crucifixion over and over again.  He finally gave up and did what the people were asking him to do.  I don't fully understand the way the government of the day worked, but I know that multiple people were in control of the different groups.  Pilate made few decisions concerning the Jews and didn't want to make this one. 

When I think about Pilate's role in Christ's death, I see that it was necessary, but odd.  In order for God's will to be carried out, Pilate had to do what he didn't think was right.  It is easy to immediately judge him as being weak and too easily persuaded to kill a man he believed to be innocent.  Without his decision, though, Jesus could not fulfill his duty to give his life so ours could be saved. 

I know there are moments in my life when I make a decision that causes me to pause and wonder if I did what is right.  Sometimes I feel I should make decisions that don't feel right.  I trust that my praying for God's guidance, my choices will carry out his will for my life, even when it feels uncomfortable.

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