Wednesday, November 30, 2011


What does it mean to be fair? I teach my students three different types of fairness. The first is when the winner gets the trophy. The second is when everything is equal, such as when we tell them to bring in a Valentine for each of their classmates. The third is we all get what we need, equal or not. The low kids get more help.

God's view of fair doesn't always match ours. We can't understand his sense of fair, because we are limited to only human understanding.

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Start Here

Do you ever just need a starting point? Sometimes we know what the end goal is, but we don't know how to begin. I know I want my house clean and ready for Christmas, but knowing how to begin is daunting.

When trying to lead a Christian life, Romans 8 is a great beginning point. As I read it today, I am further convinced that Valley Mission is where my energies should lie. However, I kept thinking things like, "After report cards are finished," or, "After those two articles get written today, if I am not too tired."

It seems like good intentions won't be enough. I need to schedule a time to gather the items to give away. That is my beginning point.

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Difference in a Week

Tuesday night, not too long after my last post, a first grader from my school was taken off life support. The doctors told his mother there wasn't much else they could do for her little boy.

While many of us celebrated our Thanksgiving meals, she sat with her family missing her youngest son.

Yesterday in church, a family spoke to us about their upcoming mission to West Africa. They are asking for money so they can afford to move there permenantly.

I sat in my seat and asked God if there was something I was missing. My life is comfortable, but I came to church yesterday angry with my husband. I was feeling sorry for myself and the burdens placed on me. The answer from God was clear. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and make something of this life.

When my husband got home from work, I tried to talk to him about what happened at church, but he didn't want to talk. He wanted to sleep on the couch and nurse his cold.

My journey through the Bible in two years will take me more than two years. That is obvious now. In fact, this journey may be taking me for a ride throughout the rest of my life.

I have decided upon a local mission to devote some energy to. A local shelter runs a thrift store. All proceeds benefit the shelter and residents can shop with vouchers given by the shelter. I am cleaning house and delivering a load to the thrift shop.

I also am interested in helping by either shopping or volunteering there. I just don't know how to make it work yet.

I have decided that I have a bigger purpose than my everyday life. I need to get up from my comfortable "woe is me" place and move. Will I go to West Africa? I don't know! But I WILL do something!

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Different Life

If you could have a different life, what would you choose? Would you choose more money? How would you use it glorify God?

I read Romans 5 today. It is an eye opener and solidifies my belief that Christ died for me. He knew who I would be. He knew my faults, and He died for me anyway.

Who else would lay down their life for you, knowing all of your mistakes and darkest secrets?

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Monday, November 21, 2011

More About Abraham

As a child, I remember singing the song, "Father Abraham." I thought he had lots of children by the song. I never understood why I was one of them.

Yesterday, we had a member of our church deliver the sermon because our minister was out of town. He talked about Abraham's strength and courage to follow God. Romans 4 tells us that Abraham was not saved by his good deeds. He wasn't valued by God because of his circumcision. He was saved by his belief in God.

All the great things we do are in fact great. We do our work to glorify God. However, we are not saved by those acts. We are saved by the grace and mercy of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. To understand this more, check out Romans 4 for yourself!

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Back in the Saddle

Okay, friends. How many of us fall short of the Glory of God??? Yep! All of us. All of us screw up. Our true character is not whether or not we fall short. It is whether or not we jump back into the saddle and try again. Romans 3 tells us to not give up on the ways of the Lord. We are to keep trying.

There are many things that overwhelm me. Work, housework, parenting, being a respectful and caring wife, carrying this child to be born in spring, all overwhelm me. The trick is to not give up. Take baby steps and do all things for God's glory. Remember, with God's strength, all things are possible.

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Faith of Hannah (cont.)

Hannah's blessings continue as she delivers three sons and two daughters! Yearly, she takes clothing to Samuel, who is now destined to take over the Levites' role of head priest.

Hannah sings a song of praise that matches what I read in Romans 2. Who are we to judge? I admit that I am often judgmental. Today, let's try not to judge others!

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hannah and Samuel

Today I began reading 1 Samuel, which opens with the story of Hannah. She prayed for a child and delivered Samuel. While praying, she promised to dedicate his life to God once he was born. After he was weaned, she took him to the priest so Samuel could begin his life in service to God.

I am glad Hannah gets the recognition she deserves from this chapter. As a mother, I have promised to raise my child so he will serve God also. However, I don't have to give him to a priest at a young age. I can raise him and enjoy him at home. Her sacrifice was huge!

How are you raising your children today?

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Love Story

The story of Ruth is inspiring. God had great plans for Ruth, but she couldn't see them amid her grief when her husband died. Her first husband gave her Naomi. Her second husband made her the grandmother of David!

God's plans are amazing, but hard to see! We must have faith that God's plans will lead us to happy days.

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Rules

I have a few students who get to set their own rules at home. Many of them do not have parents at home after school. Some of them have only older siblings. A few of these kids have parents who simply don't care what rules the child follows.

In Judges 20-21, we read what happens to the Israelites when they don't have rules. They were running amuck so much, it isn't suprising that God made them slaves of the Egyptians!

Without a leader, they simply did whatever they wanted! We all need guidance in our lives. However, we have to pay attention to that guidance and follow those rules. That takes discipline!

Good luck with following the rules set before you today!

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Do Your Job!

I finished Acts today. My thought as I read that last three chapters was how amazing God was in reminding Paul of his job. When they were shipwrecked, when they were driving through a storm, when everything was falling to peices, God told Paul to do his job. That is a reminder many of us need when times get tough. It doesn't matter how difficult life gets, we still have jobs to do. We still need to follow through with the plan for our lives.

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Approach the Day With a Smile

Today will be like other Sundays. It will be busy. We will rush around in a few minutes and try to get everyone dressed and ready for church. Church will be a flurry of Sunday School lessons, nursery snacks, and sermons. Then comes the rush to feed everyone lunch. Once we get home, laundry, school work, dishes, and planning for the upcoming week will take over. It's a crazy life!

Today, I will approach my Sunday with a smile!! It is beautiful. I have happy, healthy family. We are doing well. What do I have to complain about? I do not dare complain that I am so blessed by clothing, dishes, food, friends, family, and my church that I would want anything less in my life! No! No complaints today!

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


When we are tired, we want our beds. At work, I long for my bedroom shoes and pajamas instead of work clothing. Lack of sleep can cause us to do silly things and ruin good days. Unfortunately, many of us have too many nights without much sleep.

Paul had many sleepless nights. He fought forward, doing God's will. I bet he had many days when he just wanted a comfortable bed. I bet he was weary from travel and wanted to rest instead of teach.

For some of us, our weary moments come when we look at baskets of laundry that need to be folded, or dirty dishes in the sink. Perhaps it is mountains of paperwork. We learn to do all things as if we are doing them for God. If we can take our steps for God, he will give us rest. Our rest and comfort can be found in him, not just in cozy clothes and comfy beds.

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

More With Paul and the Death Of Samson

Paul continues to amaze me. I never really studied him before. I have heard many sermons about him, but nothing really stuck as to how incredible he was. Jesus was our model for the life we should live, but Paul showed us how to teach others about Jesus. My favorite from Acts 20 was, "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace."

Samson brought death to himself by giving in to the love of a woman who tricked him. I am sure that was God's plan for him, but it is a reminder of how King Solomon's request for wisdom set him above the rest. Wisdom is a gift of God that I hope he gives me each day!

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Muddle Through the Noise

It can be hard to find quiet moments. We are a small family living in a small home. Even so, a two year old, husband, baby on the way, and a cat can make it hard to hear God. I make it worse by adding email, facebook, a teaching career, and freelance writing jobs. Even things that are supposed to be for God, like teaching Sunday School, can get in the way of hearing God and studying my Bible.

Today's goal is to stay focused! I have a workday with several meetings, so my actual worktime will be short. I must stay focused!

Having said all that, today I was amazed again at Paul. I read Acts 19, which is powerful! God worked in such an odd way throughout the book of Acts!

I also read more about Samson. He seems an unlikely hero because he is really mean! I don't think I realized how cruel he was!

I hope your studies are going well, and you have time to focus!

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Back Again

I have great intentions to finish reading the entire Bible in 2 years. I really do! Life gets in the way, and I let it. I get busy or sick, or have a sick child, or consumed in other things and fall short.

As I pick up with the story of Samson and the life of Paul, I see both of them falling short as well. When I fall short, it may be God's hand working in me. Rather than beating myself up, I hop back on track.
I encourage you to do the same!

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.