Thursday, November 10, 2011


When we are tired, we want our beds. At work, I long for my bedroom shoes and pajamas instead of work clothing. Lack of sleep can cause us to do silly things and ruin good days. Unfortunately, many of us have too many nights without much sleep.

Paul had many sleepless nights. He fought forward, doing God's will. I bet he had many days when he just wanted a comfortable bed. I bet he was weary from travel and wanted to rest instead of teach.

For some of us, our weary moments come when we look at baskets of laundry that need to be folded, or dirty dishes in the sink. Perhaps it is mountains of paperwork. We learn to do all things as if we are doing them for God. If we can take our steps for God, he will give us rest. Our rest and comfort can be found in him, not just in cozy clothes and comfy beds.

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

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