Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Rules

I have a few students who get to set their own rules at home. Many of them do not have parents at home after school. Some of them have only older siblings. A few of these kids have parents who simply don't care what rules the child follows.

In Judges 20-21, we read what happens to the Israelites when they don't have rules. They were running amuck so much, it isn't suprising that God made them slaves of the Egyptians!

Without a leader, they simply did whatever they wanted! We all need guidance in our lives. However, we have to pay attention to that guidance and follow those rules. That takes discipline!

Good luck with following the rules set before you today!

Jessica is a fifth grade teacher and beginning freelance writer. She is the wife-extraordinaire to Josh and mother of two year old Devon. When she isn't teaching, mothering, cooking, cleaning, or writing, you can find her locked in a quiet room reading.

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