Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Making Life Be Enough

I have enjoyed this process of blogging about my bible readings to much that I have decided to begin a blog devoted more to the happenings of my life and my mind.  As a teacher, mother, wife, and beginning writer, I am going to write my thoughts and tell my story on a new blog with the same title as this post.  I will add the link tomorrow when I am sure it is up and running.

John 9 teaches us that blindness of the eyes and blindness of the mind are not all that different.  When he heals a blind man on the Sabbath, the teachers of the law are so angry with him they begin casting his followers out of the synagogue.  He tells them that those who don't know better are blinded.  They, however, know fully what they are doing. 

Often I pray for my eyes to be opened, so I may make the right decisions and be guided in the right direction.  I suppose I should focus on my job of helping open the eyes of others!

Exodus continues to be a list of directions.  Exodus 30 gives the guidelines for the items placed inside the temple.  I understand the importance of these guidelines for the lives of Moses and his people.  I wish, again, that I had such laid out guidelines for my life!

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