Friday, May 6, 2011

Coming in Peace? Maybe Not!

Someone I went to high school with posted on Facebook recently that Jesus would be against war because he came to bring peach on earth.  I disagree completely!  He came to bring peace to our hearts, but even instructed his disciples to go out with swords.  In John 5 Jesus teaches that he will return to judge others.  It won't be the Father who judges, it will be the Son.  Only through the Son, can we get to heaven. 

This made me think about the Trinity and my knowledge of it.  Here is what I believe, please comment if you think I am off base or on track.  I believe that God, the Father, is all knowing and all powerful, but diffucult to relate to.  It is hard to pray sometimes because I don't understand him.  The Bible even tells me his ways are not like my ways and his thoughts are not like my thoughts.  Jesus, the Son, came as human form of God, and is easier to relate to.  I tend to pray to him more because I see him as powerful, but easier to connect with.  The Holy Spirit is the voice in my head and the guide of my heart.  I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit when in prayer and when praising God.  The Holy Spirit is here on earth with me now.  I don't pray to it, I am comforted and guided by it.

What do you think?

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