Monday, May 9, 2011


If I went to church today and someone stood before the congregation proclaiming to be Christ, would I believe them?  Probably not! I have read enough in the Bible to know the signs to look for in the return of Christ.  I should hear the trumpet call.  He should come throught the clouds. 

In John 7, the people are questioning if Jesus is the Christ or not.  They repeat the signs, but don't understand enough about Jesus to know if he is for real.  I think the same is true in my life.  Many times events occur or ideas pop into my head and I wonder, is this the voice of God?  Am I hearing directions for my life?  I had a minister once who told me the easiest way to discern the voice of God, was to be quiet and read the Bible.  When we read the Bible, we know if the voice's directions line up with the teachings of Jesus.  If they do, than perhaps we should listen.

I am still reading Exodus, and it continues to be a long list of directions for the Israelites.  Exodus 28 gives directions for clothing for Aaron.  It is so detailed!  But it proves that the directions for our lives are out there, we just have to be quiet and listen.

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