Tuesday, May 3, 2011


It is difficult sometimes to figure out how current government structure matches or mismatches the teachings of Jesus.   In Exodus we see God creating the laws for the governing body, Moses and his council.  Since then, governments have grown creating laws for themselves that may not always align with God's will.  We live in a country that purposely separates church and state.  While I see many advantages to that structure, it makes it diffucult to balance sometimes.  While reading John 3 today, I wondered if many who heard Jesus teach felft the same way. 

John 3 tells the story of Jesus teaching Nicodemus, a member of the council at the time.  Jesus is trying to explain the importance of being born again.  It doesn't match what the teaching of the day said.  Jesus clearly explains that we are to put our belief in him above all others.  He was sent to save us from all sin. 

Two things strike me as difficult with this passage.  First of all, I find it hard sometimes to remember that Jesus saved me by grace and not because of things I do.  It doesn't matter how "good" I am, Jesus came for me.  The second struggle I have with this is to remember that God needs to be put first, ahead of work, family, and what others may say is right.  That is a whole new post, though isn't it?!

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