Friday, July 8, 2011

Filling in the Holes

    I wrote briefly yesterday about a point that I would like to elaborate on today. Today's post has very little to do with today's Bible readings. I read Psalm 60-61 and Numbers 21 for those of you who are following the readings.

    I cook about 5 nights out of the week. The other two nights are reserved for leftovers. Devon likes to stay in the kitchen with me while I cook. He always wants to eat whatever I pickup, even if it is raw meat or a raw onion. I asked him one night if he had a big hole in his belly and needed something to fill it. He said he wanted a hotdog to fill the hole. I asked if the hole was the shape of a hotdog. He giggled and has begun to tell me what shape the hole in his belly is each time he wants something to eat. He has learned to make the shape of the hole match whatever he wants to eat.

    Yesterday, I mentioned that there is a hole inside of each of us. Many of us get married to someone we think can fill that emptiness, but it doesn't work. My husband will never be perfect. It isn't fair of me to expect him to be. He can never satisfy every need I have. Only God can. The hole inside our hearts is a God-size hole. Nothing else can fill it. It doesn't matter how much money we make or how successful we are, only God can fill the hole.

    I pray that everyone asks God to come into their heart to fill the voids.

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