Sunday, April 24, 2011


Jesus tells a parable in Luke 18 of a persistent widow who begs a judge for justice.  Jesus continues by saying that God will also hear the persistent prayers of his people, but will be looking for faith.  As I read the rest of chapter 18, I noticed persistence in other ways.  Jesus continues his healing of those who have faith.  He also continues teaching others to humble themselves before God and man. 

When I flipped over to Exodus 15 today to read the songs of Moses and Miriam, I also saw persistence in their thanks and praise for God, even when times were tough.  The Israelites prayed persistently to leave slavery and Egypt.  When God answered their prayers, they weren't too happy with the outcome.  He led them out of Egypt and into the desert to wander.  Moses and Miriam continue to praise God through music anyway. 

Today is Easter Sunday!  That means craziness in my home.  I was up late last night roasting the ham, making the deviled eggs, and cleaning.  I was up before the sun to bake the carrot cake and mop the floors this morning.  I am still hoping to get the Easter baskets in order before my son gets up!  Amid the hurried morning before church and through the dinner with the in-laws, I hope to remember that today is a gift.  Each prayer answered is a gift, whether it is the answer we wanted or not.  Persistence in prayer is rewarded, but faith carries us through!

Happy Easter everyone!

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