Thursday, April 28, 2011

Choices in our Lives

Throughout the day at school, I hear myself telling students they are making poor choices.  When we have free time, I tell them to choose wisely what they get out to do.  To better prepare them for middle school, I do not always choose for them.  They decide if they need to dedicate the next twenty minutes to studying or that looming project that is due soon.  Some continue to choose drawing or staring at ceiling tiles.  Many learn to make good choices.

God allows us to make our own choices.  Jesus didn't come to earth to bring peace, except in the hearts of his followers.  Bad things happen all around us. Life is hard, but we have the choice of our response to it.  Will we choose to be cheerful regardless of how messy our house is or how much sleep we got the night before? 

Even Judas had a choice when he betrayed Jesus!  What will our choices be today?

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