Sunday, April 17, 2011

Asking for Help

Luke 11 tells us, again, that all we need to do is ask for help.  "Ask and you shall receive."  In Exodus 8, Pharoah asks Moses to pray for him each time he wants a plague to be lifted.  If God has the power to bring and remove the plagues, if God has the power to send his son down to earth, if God has the power to raise his son from the dead, he has the power to answer my prayers. 

I have mentioned before that while I read my Bible everyday and write this blog, I do not keep a consistent prayer journal or keep track of prayer requests in anyway.  My prayers are quick and probably not as meaningful to God as they should be.  This is an area in which I am greatly lacking. 

I hope this week to ask for God's help.  I have these lofty goals for myself, my career, and my family.  I know they won't be fulfilled without God's help.  This week I am going to try keeping better track of my prayers.  Who knows!  Perhaps the Voice of God will make itself known and guide me along my way!

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