Friday, April 29, 2011


I have been very focused lately on my readings from the New Testament.  Today I read the story of the crucifixion of Christ in Luke, but since we just celebrated Easter, I will not dwell on the sadness of that day.  Instead I will focus on the Old Testament today.

Exodus is interesting.  This is probably the book in the Bible that I remember talking about the most as a kid.  By age 7, I could tell you the plagues God sent to Pharoah, the story of the parting of the Red Sea, and all ten commandments Moses brought down from the mountain.  I knew God could appear in a burning bush, and I knew that worshipping gold or silver idols could make God mad enough to make you wander in a desert for forty years. 

This realization made me consider a few things.  First of all, when I read Exodus, I feel like I am reading a children's book.  It doesn't seem like a difficult section of the Bible.  It is no easier, but it is so familiar that I don't need to work at understanding the passages.  When I began this quest to read through the entire Bible again, I was overwhelmed at the idea of trying to understand the words I read.  I feel like I'm breezing through when I read Exodus.

I also wonder why my childhood focus seemed to be more Old Testament stories than New Testament.  I know far more about the battle of Jericho, Jonah and the big fish, Noah's ark, and Moses's journey than I know about the miracles of Jesus and the writings of Paul.  I guess because the Old Testament is full of colorful stories that turn into great pictures for kids, we focus on these great, powerful acts of God to teach our children. 

Just something to think about!!!

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