Friday, April 8, 2011

More On Parenting

I am not an expert on parenting.  I seek advice everyday on how to best raise my son.  I have learned that we all do the best we can from day to day. 
Yesterday I wrote about the dreams we all have for our  children.  As I read Luke 2 I started thinking about what it would be like to try to raise Jesus.  This chapter holds the story of his birth and his childhood.  I read about Jesus staying behind at the temple for several days when his parents were looking for him.  I knew the story, but his response to their question of, "Where have you been?" struck me today.  He replied that they shouldn't have been searching, he was simply in his father's house.  I  would have been just as confused if my 12 year old son said that to me. 

I imagine that Mary was worried for the safety of her son, but also concerned about her parenting for a greater reason.  She knows she is raising a child who will do something great.  There must be a lot of pressure on her to get it right, because God is counting on her. 

When I switched over to Genesis 49, I saw the blessings of the 12 sons of Jacob.  He tells each son what their future will be like.   I wondered if, like Mary, he was telling what he wished for them, or what was ordained by God.  Jacob also knew that Joseph would be the one who would carry on Abraham's blood line.  Mary knew her son would make history.  I can't imagine the feeling that the whole world will hear about how I raise my child and would judge me, but that is the position of both Mary and Jacob.

That doesn't sound like peaceful child rearing to me!

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