Monday, April 18, 2011

Hope and Comfort?

It isn't always easy to witness to someone.  I find it much easier to share my faith with those who already believe.  I always feel inadequate when I approach someone who doesn't believe in Christ.  Perhaps it is because most people who live here have heard of Jesus, but have decided to not believe.  Regardless, I struggle to know what to say.  As I read Luke 12 this morning, I decided that this could be my new go-to passage for sharing the story of Jesus.  This chapter shows our job as Christians and how to find peace in God, but it doesn't sugar coat the difficulties that we will encounter as Christians. 

I also read Exodus chapter 9 this morning.  This continues the plagues in Egypt.  Last night I was reading some of the blogs I follow and found a link to an Action Bible.  A friend of mine mentioned a while back that her son had one and loved it.  I encourage you to check out The Action Bible.  You can look at a sample that happens to be the story of the plagues in Egypt. 

Happy reading!

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