Monday, June 6, 2011

Hear My Prayer

    We teachers often say that as long as we are giving tests, children will be praying in our classrooms. Some pray to remember what they studied. Others pray because they didn't study. As a mother, I pray more now than ever before! I pray for my son many times throughout the day. I pray for my safety and the safety of my husband for the sake of my son. Sometimes we pray so much, it becomes routine and loses its power.

    I read Psalm 19 today. This reads as a beautiful prayer. It begins by praising God for his glory and all he does for us. In the end, the writer prays for two things related to his sins. He prays for God to forgive his hidden faults and to forgive his willing sins. This struck me as interesting because I am not sure I ever prayed for forgive of any sin unless it was a willing sin. God is fair but holds us accountable for all of his laws, whether we know them or not. We are responsible for knowing the entire Bible, whether or not we read it is our choice.

    Today, when I am saying my silent prayers, I will be more mindful of praying for my unknown sins.

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