Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I have a friend who has a huge decision to make in her life right now.  It will affect her life and the lives of her children as long as they live.  It will shape her future and she is struggling to hear the voice of God. 

We go through times when we can't tell if God is there.  We need help or need assurance that we are on the right track, but nobody answers. 

Jesus, in Mark 3, shows anger because some accuse him of being a follower of Satan.  He explains that he works for God, but many don't believe him.  He struggles to prove that helping others is more important sometimes that laws that would prohibit the help.  Again, those opposing Jesus plot his capture. 

Jacob wrestles with a supernatural being in Genesis 32.  He refuses to give up, but losing when God dislocates Jacob's hip. 

We all have our times of wrestling with God.  Sometimes we think we know what they right decision is, but things don't always fall into place.  Sometimes we argue with God.  We don't want to do what he is telling us to do! 

Good luck today in your struggles with God.

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