Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Intrigue of the Old Testament

Good morning friends,
This week is hectic.  Our family is in all different directions.  Yesterday I only saw my son for an hour and saw my husband even less.  My son decided in the middle of night that he wanted to sleep with us, and I took that to mean that he missed us too.  Today will be more of the same. 

Reading Mark 2 didn't calm me down much.  So far, this book just feels rushed.  The stories were simply shortened versions of those in Matthew. 

Then we move to Genesis 31.  Boy was this a fun one!  Jacob decides it is time to leave Laban after 20 years.  He actually consults Leah and Rachel first.  Before fleeing, Rachel steals her father's idols.  I first thought for money, but the sidebar in my Bible suggests that she may have taken them because whoever holds the household idols has control over the inheritance.  Jacob says that if they are found, the thief could be put to death, not knowing Rachel had them.  What does she do?  She sits on them and tells her dad she is having her period!  I've heard of a lot of women using menstration as an excuse, but for stealing?  You have to love the stories of the Old Testament!

I hope your day feels calm!

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