Tuesday, March 29, 2011


We are all busy.  We are all doing the best we know how to do, right?  Or are we?  How often do we give up without working to our potential? 

The rich man who approaches Jesus in Mark 10 is frustrated because Jesus tells him to truly gain a place in heaven he would need to sell all of his riches and follow Christ.  What about the man's children?  The man may have very real responsibilities to his family, and their survival may depend on his riches.   Can you pick up everything and move to a foreign country as a missionary?  I couldn't.  I get the man's frustration!

Joseph suffers his own frustrations when he asked the cup bearer to remember him once reinstated to his position.  The cup bearer didn't remember him.  Joseph is trying to better his situation any way he can.  Things just don't seem to be going well for him.  It's hard to understand God's ways. I get Joseph's frustrations too!

I hope you fight through your frustrations today and understand that God is in control so you don't have to be!

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