Friday, March 25, 2011

Old Testament vs. New

There is good reason why we don't teach our children but a handful of the stories from the Old Testament.  Genesis 34 tells the story of Dinah, Jacob's daughter.  She is raped and bought as a wife for the son of the leader of the town.  Jacob's sons tell the men of the town that in order to marry any woman from Jacob's lineage, all men of the town must be circumsized.  While the men of the town are recovering, Jacob's sons go and kill them all.  Women were treated as property at that time, but these brothers murdered a huge population because of the honor of their sister. 

The amazing thing is that God doesn't condemn this behavior.  He speaks freely to Jacob often, but the Bible doesn't acknowledge God's reaction to what the boys did.  Perhaps because the men who were killed were not his chosen people. 

The New Testament is full of miracles that we often share with our children.  They aren't often bloody or scary.  Mark 5 retells the story from Matthew of the demon possessed man who is freed from his demons.  They go into the herd of pigs and drowned.  The description of the demon possessed man is a little scary! 

Mark is so full of miracles of healing and bringing the dead back to life.  It makes you wonder why more miracles don't take place today.  I know everyone throws around the term "miracle," but how often are the dead brought back to life today?  Perhaps more often than I hear of, I don't know. 

I have a friend who could use a miracle today.  Her little girl is in the hospital.  Pray for Madison!

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