Friday, March 11, 2011

Matthew 19 Genesis 20

It's funny how the many of the same issues we have today in our everyday lives are the issues the disciples had when following Jesus.  Matthew 19 could easily be found on a blog out there for working or stay at home moms who are trying to do the best they can.  The topics discussed range from how to keep you marriage working, to raising happy children, to balancing how much of yourself you give to others. 

Jesus clearly states that divorce should only occur when unfaithfulness enters a marriage.  If you can't handle the difficulties of marriage, don't get married! 

He then tells us that we should raise our children to come to him.  He says the kingdom of heaven is for them too.

Finally, we read about the rich man who isn't willing to lay down his possessions to follow Jesus.  Jesus tells his disciples of the rewards in heaven for those who devote their lives to following him.  This is tricky, because we design our lives to be successful.  We know we need money to clothe and feed our families.  I understand this to mean that every decision in my life needs to be based on God's will for my life.  That includes work, raising my family, and what I do with my money.  We are not rich!  We are comfortable.  There are days when I think I could probably give more to others and deal with being uncomfortable.  Tricky, tricky, tricky!  It makes you think!

Genesis 20
You would think that Abraham would have learned by now to not lie about his relationship with Sarah.  He goes into Negev and told everyone that Sarah was his sister.  Of course, the king decides that Sarah should become his wife.  Sarah must have been a cute little thing, because every king wants her to be his wife!  Anyway, God curses the whole kingdom because of Sarah.  The king has to give her back to Abraham and ask for the curse to be removed.  Poor Sarah!

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