Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Matthew 17 Genesis 18

Good morning,
Today is Ash Wednesday.  For all of you who celebrate this event, I hope today is meaningful.

This morning I had to spend a little time searching online to help me understand Matthew 17.  I will try to give you the best interpretation I can. 

We begin with Jesus climbing a mountain with Peter, James, and John.  Upon the mountain, Moses and Elijah join them.  Jesus transforms into a shining white light.  Peter, apparently fearing for their safety, offers to build shelter, but a bright cloud enshrouds them all.  The voice of God speaks the them. 

After that display of power, the disciples get fussed at for not being able to heal a boy with a demon.  Jesus tells them they didn't have enough faith.  He says, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you."

The is a great and reassuring passage, but I find it odd that it came right after several disciples witnessed great power.  I would think that would increase their faith.

The confusing part today came at the end of chapter 17.  Peter asks Jesus why he doesn't pay the two-drachma tax.  I looked up this tax and found that it went to the upkeep of the temple.  A drachma was a day's wages.  Only certain people paid the tax, though.  Peter's concern, I believe, is that he may have to switch religions because of Jesus.  The Jewish faith was changing with the introduction of Christ.  The new Christians were not sure how to handle the laws of the government and the Law of Moses now that Jesus was there.  To alleviate the problem, Jesus told Peter to get the money from a fish.  I found some commentary that suggested that actually meant he went to the body of people, "sea" and got money from those who were new Christians. "fish"  I don't know if that is true or not.

Genesis 18
Three visitors appear at Abraham's home.  He orders Sarah to put together a grand meal for the visitors.  They ask for Sarah, and the Lord tells that Sarah will have a baby within a year.  This is when Sarah laughs.  She gets in trouble for lying about it.  I wish I could use this section in my classroom too!

The Lord them tells Abraham that he will destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.  Abraham negotiates the search for righteous men.  Abraham shows some brazen behavior with his negotiating.  I'm not sure I would have the courage!

Have a wonderful day!

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