Sunday, March 20, 2011

Moving forward

We make New Year's resolutions each January.  We school teachers set new goals every August.  However, there are new beginnings every day.  The recent spring weather has me feeling like making some changes to issues that bother me, like the cleaners I use in my home.  I know they aren't safe for my cat or my son to be around, so why do I use them?  As I read Matthew 28, the last chapter in that book, I confirmed my thinking.  The Resurrection is something we can celebrate each day.  We don't have to wait until Easter.  My changes may be small, perhaps only household cleaners, but I get to celebrate a change that improves our lives.  Let's celebrate my new resolution!

Jacob's issues in Genesis 29 are nothing to celebrate!  He is tricked by his uncle so he will marry Leah instead of Rachel.  The problem is that Jacob has fallen in love with Rachel.  It is hard to feel too sorry for Jacob since he tricked his own father.  Lucky for him, he only had to work for 7 more years to get another wife!  I'm not sure my husband would work 7 years for me.  I'm fairly sure he would say no after my cleaning spree today.  He finally just left the house.  That was a wise choice on his part!

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