Monday, August 1, 2011

Angry with God

    I watched my friend crumple to the floor, yesterday, crying to God. She begged for an answer to why her 29 year old husband was killed suddenly when a tree fell onto his car. Yes, you read that correctly. While driving down the road at 70mph, a tree broke and fell on top of their car. It is only by a miracle that the wife and two-year old are alive.

    My father said at one point that he told God exactly what he thought of this situation about an hour after he heard the news. I am fairly sure he didn't use nice words. This young man killed, was my father's Godson.

    We are angry! We are angry at God for this decision. It is so hard to not be angry when there is no one else to blame.

    As I read my readings today, the title of chapter 8 in Deuteronomy said, "Don't Forget God."

    I was moved by my friend's strength as she clutched her Rosary. She was praying for help to raise her child, from the same God who allowed her husband to die. Her devotion to God has been a lesson to us all.

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