Friday, August 19, 2011

Forced Celebration

    I friend of mine told me a couple of years ago that being happy is choice. It has very little to do with your circumstances at the time. She said that as her son battled drugs. Her ex-husband owed her thousands in child support. Her mother was ill. Her world seemed to be falling apart. Yet, she woke up each day and decided that she would feel happy and display happiness to others.

    It is Friday. This has been a long week. We are all tired, cranky, and getting on each other's nerves. I have another long day of meetings ahead, but I remember the words of my friend. Today I will trust in God, put aside my bad feelings about the day, and display happiness to others.

As a mom, often my tone sets the tone of my son. As a teacher, it almost always sets the tone of my classroom. I choose to set a happy tone.

Moses explained to the Israelites in Deuteronomy that they would celebrate certain times of the year. He didn't say, "only if you feel happy." God wants us to celebrate life. He orders us to celebrate. Follow orders. Celebrate today and be happy.

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